If its in a group environment or 1v1 personal training sessions, here at View Fitness we will cater to all your fitness and gym requirements.
We are big on safety when it comes to our providing the best workouts but we are bigger on the fun aspect when it comes to enjoying getting fit. Come on through to check out how View Fitness can help you.
Our gym is the largest gym and the only open-air / air-conditioned facility in Ipswich. We have great views of Ipswich and surrounds. On mild days, enjoy your workout in the open-air instead of the stuffy confines of conventional gyms. On days over 30 degrees, the air-conditioning will be used to keep you comfortable.
Make your time working out something that you enjoy. Loosen up and have fun.

When you workout and keep fit, you are also keeping your mind fresh and ready for a good day.

Every time you exercise, you are creating a better and healthier version of yourself.

When you get all these things done, you find yourself enjoying every day to its full.